Monday, 31 January 2011

Review of Lord of the Shadows (Cirque Du Freak #11) - Darren Shan

Lord of the Shadows (The Saga of Darren Shan, #11)

This book was amazing!!

Darren returns home with the Cirque Du Freak, he then meets an old friend of his Tommy and he sees his sister, he finds out that his mam and dad don't live there and his sister has had a child.

Later on in the book, someone dies which causes Darren to run after the monsters who did it, they do a little showdown , but not a major one, because Steve said its not time.

Vancha comes back into it after Darren is hurt again and the purge is starting again. Debbie and Alice helps him as well as Harkat!

In this book there is some swapping sides, scary parts and death!!

Near the end someone else dies who he knows and he is so close to kill a boy, but he finds out who the boy really is, but does that change anything?

This book i think is the best so far!!


Rating: *****

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Review of The lake of souls (Cirque Du Freak #10) - Darren Shan

The Lake of Souls (The Saga of Darren Shan, #10)This book was amazing, it was mainly for the little person Harkat but of course Darren was in it!!

It starts with the prologue which is a bit of what is to come in the book, but Chapter 1 continues straight after the 9th one.

In this book Darren breaks apart and is so upset after the death of Mr crepsley(cry), he stays alone but eventually someone talks some sense into him , and he realises he needs to try and put it in the back of his mind and concentrate on the tasks in hand.

The task is to go to vampire mountain with Debbie and the Police officer from the last one, but Darren changes his mind and goes with Harkat to find the Lake of souls.

Harkat has to find the lake of souls because he is having bad nightmares and he could die if he does not find what he was before.

Where they go is a surprise but it shocked me so badly.

There is shocking revelations, scary parts and quite disturbing parts for me.


Rating: *****

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Review of Lies (Gone#3) by Michael Grant

I am so happy that i read this book, it was tenser than Hunger, and i was scared at some parts of the story.
The storyline is brilliant and left me gasping at some parts of the book, the main charcters in this book in my opinion is Sam, Astrid, Mother Mary, Orssay and also Little pete who is the most powerfull by far.

In this book Sam and Astrid start to drift of and are hardly togther, they fight , move out. Astrid Can not admit when she is wrong are she can not control somthing. Sam is some what self centred. but you can not really blame him, because everyone put pressure on him, on the first book, Gone.
This book continues a few months after Hunger, we all persume The darkness is dead, drake is dead, and maybe caine will leave everyone alone. The character Brittney is in this book, but its not all it seems.

Little pete always plays a main role, beacause he caused the FAYZ, but does he have the power to end it?

This involves, suicide, betrayel, hurt and also FIRE!! oh and if you imagine Sam as hot as you can, you can say the book involves cuteness, hotness!!

The next book is PLAGUE and i my opinion , it started in this book!! I recomend everyone to give Gone, Hunger and Lies a try!!


Rating: *****

Monday, 24 January 2011

Review of Candyfloss by Jacqueline Wilson (ages ago)

CandyflossAs soon as i got into the book, every chance i got to read it i did.
 Its about a girl who's parents aren't together and her dads cafe is going down hill, her mum tells her they are moving to sydney for six months but she decides to stay with her dad where everything changes!!

Rating: *****

Review of Skellig by David Almond (ages ago)

SkelligThis book is absorbing and glues you to the book, you wouldn't want to put the book down, it involves a boy who discovers somthing in his garage and his dad is planning on knoking it down so he and his friend moves him to a house where he discovers his true self.
It shows great emotion and caputres some true beauty!!

Rating: *****

Review of Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer (ages ago)

In this book all of the main characters got introduced and may i say i love all of the characters expecially Holly Short!!!
Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl is a 12 year old boy who is well i may say no ordinery young boy. Holly short is a leprechaun and is very young she is captian in the Lower Elements Police , she doesn't always follow orders but she does what she thinks is right.
Butler is artemis's butler who goes wherever he goes and does everything he can to protect him, also he has known him since the day he was born and has formed a close bond!!
Theses in my mind or the main character but it also includes:
Commander Julius Root, Foaly, Mulch Diggums, Juliet Butler, Angeline Fowl!!!!

Rating: ****

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Review of Hunger (gone#2) by Michael Grant

Hunger (Gone, #2)After the amazing first book Gone i never thought it could be any more better, but i was so wrong, it was alot better, it did have a slow start but after a few chapters it did pick up, and i am glad i am a patient and fair reader.
I loved how the character Sam Temple was portrayed in both books, i like how he is the brave, loyal and a hero in both books. Without Sam the books would not be what they are.
I also like how they portray the other characters such as Astrid, Edilio, Quinn, Caine, Drake, breeze, Dekka and also Lana the healer, plus more.
There is alot of tension, betrayel, and i may say scary parts. When i read books, i actually go into it and play a main part of the book, feel what they feel, and also i sometimes cry in books, i never cried in this one though.
The ending was scary, and thats all i am going to say because i am not going to give away spoilers!!

Rating: *****

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Review of Killers of the Dawn (Cirque Du Freak #9) - Darren Shan

I have not reviewed a book in ages so i am rubbish at it!
This book is the 9th of the saga , but in away 3rd one in the hunt of the vampeneze lord.
On the 7th one i guessed which character would be that lord , but i kept changing my mind, but in the end of this i was right all along.
This book kept me reading for over 3 hours i think, so i finished it in that amount without any breaks.
I love how Darren Shan portrayed the character of Darren Shan in all 9 books, how like how he grows stronger on each book.
This book contains violence, friendship, adventure and of course vampires and vampeneze's.
I can't wait till i get to buy the 10th one!!
Rating: *****

Saturday, 15 January 2011


I love reading books so much, it lets me escape my life and enjoy some other peoples lives!!
My fave books is the uglies series, midnighters series and also the maximum ride series!! and more!!
I have a good imagination but it is really hard to put down on, paper or online!!
I am currently writing a book on goodreads , but i have not done much because i am in an important year at school!! GCSE's are quite hard!! Can't wait till it is over!!

Friday, 14 January 2011

Starting new blog!!!

I have just put this blog together , so while i am updating it check out my old one!! !! thanks xxx Tara

My goodreads :D


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