Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Blog Tour - Cover Reveal - Giveaway - The anniversary of I Loved You First

Hey everyone, I read this book a year ago or something like that, and reviewed it, by the way it was awesome, so when Reena Jacobs got in touch with me I WAS so HAPPY :D 
My review: Click here to read it :)

I Loved You First Blurb:

Alexandria (Alex) Carmichael guards two secrets close to her heart. One―she’s in love with her best friend, Seth. Two―he’s gay.

As a freshman in college, Alex looks forward to fun times with her best friend. When Seth decides cycling through girlfriends is the way to fit in with the straight crowd, Alex must make a choice: watch Seth give his affection to another while her heart breaks or come clean with her feelings and risk losing his friendship forever.

I LOVED YOU FIRST is a new adult love story told through the eyes of Alex, an African-American/Caucasian student, who takes a journey of self-discovery while watching her best friend come to terms with his sexuality.

Available at Barnes & Nobles || Smashwords || The Book Depository || Amazon || CreateSpace

Cover reveal:

48-hour giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

All of the blog hosts have been given a Question to ask everyone who enters the Giveaway :D All you do is comment below the post answering the below question..also I am going to answer it too :)

What do you value most about your best friend?
I value a lot of things about my best friend, I mean its hard just to pick one :) So I would say I love how kind and supportive she is and when I'm down she's there to talk to me :) Even though my best friend lives away from me so we cant see each other a lot, I know she's there for me to ring or text her :) I value everything about her :) 


About Reena Jacobs

Reena Jacobs is just a writer who loves to see her words in print. As an avid reader, she’s known to hoard books and begs her husband regularly for “just one more purchase.” Her home life is filled with days chasing her preschooler and nights harassing her husband. Between it all, she squeezes in time for writing and growling at the dog.

Connect with Reena online: 

Monday, 30 July 2012

The Cover Wars: The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters

Rea of Rea's Reading and Reviews and I decided to get together to do a weekly meme where we would compare covers of the UK editions of books with those of the US editions.
The aim of this is to just have a bit of fun. We put ourselves in the position where we see both of these books side by side in the bookstore. Which would we choose? Why that one and not the other?

This week, we will be comparing the UK and US covers of The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters by Gordon Dahlquist.

The First book is the US version and the Second one is the UK

Tara Says: I don’t really like either cover. The US one has misty weather and a train track with people there, which seems very boring to me. The UK one is a lot more interesting; it’s bold and in your face and the mask on the front is very appealing. UK for me.
Rea says: This is one of my absolute favourite books. It won’t appeal to all readers, but it is so very different and a fabulous gentle fantasy / steampunk. Both covers depict something from the book: the US one has the train that they’re always taking to get to the mansion where the secret society holds all their meetings; the UK one has the masks that everyone’s always wearing to conceal their identity. I think the UK one fits the feel of the story better, and obviously it worked for me as it’s a book that caught my eye when I was browsing for one to just pick up at random at an airport. UK for me.


Week 27:      US: 4    UK: 15    Draw: 8

Do you want to join in too? Here’s how:

Step 1: Copy and paste the Cover Wars image.

Step 2: Copy and paste our intro or write your own but it must link back to both of our blogs.

Step 3: Copy and paste the US and UK cover images.

Step 4: Compare the two.

Step 5: Either use our score or keep your own score.

Step 6: Post it and share it!

Thanks and have fun!

Friday, 27 July 2012

Follow Friday 22

Click the image :D

Q: Summer Reading. What was your favorite book that you were REQUIRED to read when you were in school?

A: Well this is an easy answer :D I have ranted on about this book for sooooo long :P It's Skellig by David Almond :D AMAZING.. go and read it. if you haven't already :P

So what about all of you? What book was your favourite which you had to read during school time ?

Follow me and give a link to your blog and I will follow you back :) 

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Get A Taste: The Secret Hour

Rea of Rea's Reading and Reviews and I often read very different books but sometimes find interesting new books to potentially add to the ever-growing monsters that our TBR piles have morphed into. However, we know that we do not have 100% the same taste and we wanted another way of getting a look at these books...

Do you ever feel like getting a bit of a taster for a book you’ve been thinking of reading but aren’t fully sold on yet? Do you feel like sharing a taster for your current read with the world? Well, here’s your chance.

Each week the random number generator will pick a number between 1 and 100 for books with pages or 1 and 25% for ebooks. We figured that these numbers would keep us out of spoiler territory. Open your book to the specified place and pick a paragraph. Share it with the world!

This week its: 
Page number: 79
Kindle/ebook: 3%

My Teaser:
The Secret Hour (Midnighters, #1)

'She knelt and plucked a dark disk of metal from the ground. 
"Ouch!" Dess passed it from hand to hand, grinning. "Still sparky."
It looked like an old hubcap, blackened by fire. Was that the dazzling flying saucer of a minute ago?
Jessica shook her head, dazed but slowly calming down.'

I read this like 2 years ago but I still remember stuff about it, and It was an amazing trilogy :) Scott Westerfeld is one of my best Authors :) PLEASE if you liked the UGLIES series you will most likely like this :)

Do you want to join in too? Here’s how:

Step 1:
 Copy and paste the Get A Taste image.
Step 2: Copy and paste our intro or write your own but it must link back to both of our blogs.
Step 3: Find the designated page for the week.
Step 4: Type out a paragraph or so from your book.
Step 5: Post it and share it!

We would appreciate it if you'd leave a comment letting us know where we can find your post. We'll be sure to pop on by and leave a comment!
Thanks and have fun!

Monday, 23 July 2012

The Cover Wars: Vampire Academy

Rea of Rea's Reading and Reviews and I decided to get together to do a weekly meme where we would compare covers of the UK editions of books with those of the US editions.
The aim of this is to just have a bit of fun. We put ourselves in the position where we see both of these books side by side in the bookstore. Which would we choose? Why that one and not the other?

This week, we will be comparing the UK and US covers of Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead.

The First book is the US version and the Second one is the UK

Tara’s Says: The US one has girl and a gate and that’s it for me, nothing stands out and it looks like any other book with a girl on the cover. The UK one is so pretty with the rose and then at the top there is that blood dripping down - and I really like that! UK for me :D
Rea says: I find myself a bit torn about this one. I’m not really overly fond of covers with photographed models on the cover like the US one but the UK is lacking something too. The Rose on it makes me think of Beauty and the Beast, while really it’s supposed to be portraying Rose, the main character (or at least I assume it is).I think I’m going to go with the UK one, though I have no clear reason why.


Week 27:      US: 4    UK: 14    Draw: 8

Do you want to join in too? Here’s how:

Step 1: Copy and paste the Cover Wars image.

Step 2: Copy and paste our intro or write your own but it must link back to both of our blogs.

Step 3: Copy and paste the US and UK cover images.

Step 4: Compare the two.

Step 5: Either use our score or keep your own score.

Step 6: Post it and share it!

Thanks and have fun!

Friday, 20 July 2012

Follow Friday 21

Click the image :D

Q: Christmas in July! Someone gives you a gift card for two books (whatever that costs). What two books will you buy?

A: Well I would love to buy Heaven (Halo #3) by Alexandra Adornetto but thats not out till next month so I hope that the gift card will last for another month :P Also I have always wanted to read Stolen: A Letter to My Captor by Lucy Christopher but I have never had the money to go out and buy it. 

So what about all of you? What two books would you buy?

Follow me and give a link to your blog and I will follow you back :) 

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Get A Taste: Revived

Rea of Rea's Reading and Reviews and I often read very different books but sometimes find interesting new books to potentially add to the ever-growing monsters that our TBR piles have morphed into. However, we know that we do not have 100% the same taste and we wanted another way of getting a look at these books...

Do you ever feel like getting a bit of a taster for a book you’ve been thinking of reading but aren’t fully sold on yet? Do you feel like sharing a taster for your current read with the world? Well, here’s your chance.

Each week the random number generator will pick a number between 1 and 100 for books with pages or 1 and 25% for ebooks. We figured that these numbers would keep us out of spoiler territory. Open your book to the specified place and pick a paragraph. Share it with the world!

This week its: 
Page number: 25
Kindle/ebook: 25%

My Teaser:

'Cassie shoots him a look: Mason leaving means she'll have to finish setting up the lab alone.
"Let's all go," mason says to her. "Daisy's right. It'll be good for us to get to know Omaha, too."
Cassie stares for a few seconds, then she relents.'

I'm reading this now :D Nearly finished :D JUST READ IT NOW! :D

Do you want to join in too? Here’s how:

Step 1:
 Copy and paste the Get A Taste image.
Step 2: Copy and paste our intro or write your own but it must link back to both of our blogs.
Step 3: Find the designated page for the week.
Step 4: Type out a paragraph or so from your book.
Step 5: Post it and share it!

We would appreciate it if you'd leave a comment letting us know where we can find your post. We'll be sure to pop on by and leave a comment!
Thanks and have fun!

Monday, 16 July 2012

The Cover Wars: Immortal Beloved

Rea of Rea's Reading and Reviews and I decided to get together to do a weekly meme where we would compare covers of the UK editions of books with those of the US editions.
The aim of this is to just have a bit of fun. We put ourselves in the position where we see both of these books side by side in the bookstore. Which would we choose? Why that one and not the other?

This week, we will be comparing the UK and US covers of Immortal Beloved by Cate Tiernan.

The First book is the US version and the Second one is the UK

Tara’s Says: I like both covers. They both have their unique thing about them which makes me want to buy them. The US one has a girl and then the title is sideways, whereas on the UK one there are flowers the title is the right way up - where it should be. They are both so pretty, but I will go with UK just because the title is easier to read; I don’t have to tilt my head. So UK wins!

Rea says: There is absolutely no contest here. I suppose that the US cover is pretty enough in its own right, though I’m not sure it’d ever really attract my attention. The UK cover, though, is absolutely gorgeous. When I saw this book in the store, I bought it without even looking at the blurb because I just wanted this amazing cover on my shelves (luckily the story is just as good as the cover!). UK for me.


Week 26:      US: 4    UK: 13    Draw: 8

Do you want to join in too? Here’s how:

Step 1: Copy and paste the Cover Wars image.

Step 2: Copy and paste our intro or write your own but it must link back to both of our blogs.

Step 3: Copy and paste the US and UK cover images.

Step 4: Compare the two.

Step 5: Either use our score or keep your own score.

Step 6: Post it and share it!

Thanks and have fun!

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Review of Tegan's Return (The Ultimate Power Series, #2) by L.H. Cosway

Tegan's Return (The Ultimate Power Series, #2)
Tegan always knew that she couldn’t remain hidden forever, she left Tribane to escape the danger posed to her by the supernatural creatures who dwell there, but every day she has mourned the friends and family she had to leave behind. It’s been two years, but Tegan struggles on with the new lonely life she has built for herself. She might crave human companionship, but at least she’s still alive.
Unfortunately, all of her hard work in running away comes crashing down around her when a familiar face comes strolling into her new place of work one night. She considers leaving and starting over again, but this old acquaintance has a proposition for her, one that will see her returning to Tribane and fighting to rescue a little girl who has been kidnapped.
Tegan feels for the child, but her heart is also swelling at the idea of going home to see the people she has missed the most. Can she kill two birds with one stone? Finally she decides that she will return, but what she finds on her arrival is that her father has gone missing, not to mention there has been an almighty war between the two opposing sides of the city.
Throw into this her mixed emotions at seeing beautiful Ethan again, and there is a whole lot of confusion going on. Tegan finds herself playing the role of a spy, as she tries to find information as to the whereabouts of her father and the girl. Even though she is supposed to be pretending, she can’t help that she is falling for Ethan all over again, and if he discovers her true intentions for coming back then he might just hate her forever.

My Thoughts 
This review should of been done ages ago as I read this for the author, so I'm sorry L.H. Cosway for the long wait of my short review.
When she asked me to read and review her second book in this series I was excited that I dropped everything I was currently reading and read this within a day or so. The cover is different from the first one, but I love it :D. The title of the book tells me stuff even before reading the description.. and once I read the description I just was so hyped up about reading it.

This book is amazing, I am so glad I read it.. it has everything I needed in the book, when Tegan's Blood finished I was kinda continuing it in my head thinking what will happen next, and I never pictured what happened to happen apart from her returning of course :) The writing style is perfect and it was an easy read with no complicated words which I don't know nothing about :P

Tegan is once again the main character in this book, she's still my Favourite and throughout the book she dangers herself but always manages to get through it. I like her attitude towards stuff and her new hair is AWESOME! :D
Ethan is once again in this book, his cocky, I'm the best kinda attitude still lingering there, but he has a had a terrible few months without Tegan so that just shows how much he cares about her. I do like him, but sometimes he thinks wrongly and does the wrong thing.. he needs to think not only about him but other's around him.
There is other characters which was in last book and I think there was new ones, but no matter it MADE this book AMAZING :D

My overall opinion of this book is, well... to be honest I think you already know what my rating and how I felt towards this book.. but I will still say it anyway :) AMAZING!!!!
I would recommend this book to people who have read Tegan's Blood and her other book A Strange Fire and also if you love YA :D 


Friday, 13 July 2012

Follow Friday 20

Click the image :D

Q: What drove you to start book blogging in the first place?

A: My sister started book blogging and I became jealous :P...JK. I really don't know why but once I got into reading a year later I was like "WAIT... I should tell everyone my thoughts and feelings about the books I read". So that's when I decided to blog :) 

And as we are on the discussion of book blogging, I am so sorry I haven't been reviewing lately :( I promise that when I return I will try to keep it up to at least 1 review a week  :'

So what about all of you? Why did you start book blogging ?

Follow me and give a link to your blog and I will follow you back :) 

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Get A Taste: Fifty Shades of Grey

Rea of Rea's Reading and Reviews and I often read very different books but sometimes find interesting new books to potentially add to the ever-growing monsters that our TBR piles have morphed into. However, we know that we do not have 100% the same taste and we wanted another way of getting a look at these books...

Do you ever feel like getting a bit of a taster for a book you’ve been thinking of reading but aren’t fully sold on yet? Do you feel like sharing a taster for your current read with the world? Well, here’s your chance.

Each week the random number generator will pick a number between 1 and 100 for books with pages or 1 and 25% for ebooks. We figured that these numbers would keep us out of spoiler territory. Open your book to the specified place and pick a paragraph. Share it with the world!

This week its: 
Page number: 74
Kindle/ebook: 10%

My Teaser:
Fifty Shades of Grey (Fifty Shades, #1)

‘“yeah... he’s  a little out of my league, Kate,” I say as dryly as I can manage.
“What do you mean?”
“Oh kate, it’s obvious.” I whirl around and face her as she stands in the kitchen doorway.’

I am going to be reading this soon, not right now but soon :) ((Only too see what the fuss is all about))

Do you want to join in too? Here’s how:

Step 1:
 Copy and paste the Get A Taste image.
Step 2: Copy and paste our intro or write your own but it must link back to both of our blogs.
Step 3: Find the designated page for the week.
Step 4: Type out a paragraph or so from your book.
Step 5: Post it and share it!

We would appreciate it if you'd leave a comment letting us know where we can find your post. We'll be sure to pop on by and leave a comment!
Thanks and have fun!

Monday, 9 July 2012

The Cover Wars: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Rea of Rea's Reading and Reviews and I decided to get together to do a weekly meme where we would compare covers of the UK editions of books with those of the US editions.
The aim of this is to just have a bit of fun. We put ourselves in the position where we see both of these books side by side in the bookstore. Which would we choose? Why that one and not the other?

This week, we will be comparing the UK and US covers of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K.Rowling.

The First book is the US version and the Second one is the UK

Tara Says: This is so hard because they are both kind of cartoony and both portray bits of the book. The UK one is the one I knew about and I have seen so many times. It has the train in which he takes to arrive at the school, Hogwarts. The US one shows him flying on his broomstick. This is really hard so I’m just going to go with the one I have seen the most which is the UK one.

Rea says: I realise that in this case my culture has formed me to be more partial to one cover, that obviously being the UK cover. I love this cover. I always have done. There’s another version of it with Dumbledore on the cover and I have that one, too, though that version is in Latin (don’t ask why I have this book in Latin when no one in my family has ever studied the language). I just love the colours on it too – it’s bright, it makes sure your attention has no possibility of wandering elsewhere, and I just prefer the style of the art to that of the US cover. Plus, it’s the philosopher’s stone, damn it, not the sorcerer’s! UK all the way! 


Week 25:      US: 4    UK: 12    Draw: 8

Do you want to join in too? Here’s how:

Step 1: Copy and paste the Cover Wars image.

Step 2: Copy and paste our intro or write your own but it must link back to both of our blogs.

Step 3: Copy and paste the US and UK cover images.

Step 4: Compare the two.

Step 5: Either use our score or keep your own score.

Step 6: Post it and share it!

Thanks and have fun!

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Get A Taste: Made Up

Rea of Rea's Reading and Reviews and I often read very different books but sometimes find interesting new books to potentially add to the ever-growing monsters that our TBR piles have morphed into. However, we know that we do not have 100% the same taste and we wanted another way of getting a look at these books...

Do you ever feel like getting a bit of a taster for a book you’ve been thinking of reading but aren’t fully sold on yet? Do you feel like sharing a taster for your current read with the world? Well, here’s your chance.

Each week the random number generator will pick a number between 1 and 100 for books with pages or 1 and 25% for ebooks. We figured that these numbers would keep us out of spoiler territory. Open your book to the specified place and pick a paragraph. Share it with the world!

This week its: 
Page number: 16
Kindle/ebook: 11%

My Teaser:
Made Up
'"Lie down. Sleep."
"Not here you can't. It's about to piss down." on cue, a large rumble of thunder unfurled over their heads and in the time it took for her to blink, rain was pouring down all around them. 
It pounded mercilessly on her head, not in little droplets but dumped straight down from a universal bucket.

I am currently reading this, and I am not that far in.. but I want to know more, I neeeeeed to know more :D 

Do you want to join in too? Here’s how:

Step 1:
 Copy and paste the Get A Taste image.
Step 2: Copy and paste our intro or write your own but it must link back to both of our blogs.
Step 3: Find the designated page for the week.
Step 4: Type out a paragraph or so from your book.
Step 5: Post it and share it!

We would appreciate it if you'd leave a comment letting us know where we can find your post. We'll be sure to pop on by and leave a comment!
Thanks and have fun!

Monday, 2 July 2012

The Cover Wars: The Name of the Star

Rea of Rea's Reading and Reviews and I decided to get together to do a weekly meme where we would compare covers of the UK editions of books with those of the US editions.
The aim of this is to just have a bit of fun. We put ourselves in the position where we see both of these books side by side in the bookstore. Which would we choose? Why that one and not the other?

This week, we will be comparing the UK and US covers of The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson.

The First book is the US version and the Second one is the UK

Tara Says: They both are completely different and I do like them both. The UK cover has a girl and it’s black and plain but I really like the style of the title. The US one has the girl lying down and a foggy bit with a man standing there and it just makes me want to read it way more than the UK one, so US wins for me.

Rea says: In this case, it just comes down to which cover attracts me more. I’m trying to put my finger on why the UK cover doesn’t really work for me: I think it’s because it’s a bit too busy for my tastes, but don’t hold me to that. I like the relative simplicity and the fogged-over look of the US cover. It creates a better feel of the story for me. US for me.


Week 23:      US: 4    UK: 11    Draw: 8

Do you want to join in too? Here’s how:

Step 1: Copy and paste the Cover Wars image.

Step 2: Copy and paste our intro or write your own but it must link back to both of our blogs.

Step 3: Copy and paste the US and UK cover images.

Step 4: Compare the two.

Step 5: Either use our score or keep your own score.

Step 6: Post it and share it!

Thanks and have fun!

My goodreads :D


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