There are some things you can’t leave behind…
A broken-down camper hidden deep in a national forest is the only home fifteen year-old Carey can remember. The trees keep guard over her threadbare existence, with the one bright spot being Carey’s younger sister, Jenessa, who depends on Carey for her very survival. All they have is each other, as their mentally ill mother comes and goes with greater frequency. Until that one fateful day their mother disappears for good, and two strangers arrive. Suddenly, the girls are taken from the woods and thrust into a bright and perplexing new world of high school, clothes and boys.
Now, Carey must face the truth of why her mother abducted her ten years ago, while haunted by a past that won’t let her go… a dark past that hides many a secret, including the reason Jenessa hasn't spoken a word in over a year. Carey knows she must keep her sister close, and her secrets even closer, or risk watching her new life come crashing down.
My Thoughts
I found this on netgalley and I requested.. thinking I wont be allowed to read it, as I haven't reviewed a lot recently but I was allowed it and I was so happy about that. First thing that made me want to read the description on netgalley was the title and the cover, I mean if a cover is of a young girl with a dark area with trees with a title that says if you find me doesn't intrigue you then your not me, as that's what got me to read more information about it. After reading the description that just confirmed the fact that I want to read this, so I requested and prayed for it to be accepted and it was :D.
This was an amazing great read, and I am so chuffed that I got to read this. The story and plot was something real, and something so emotional, but because of that I knew the emotions running through the characters brains were so true and so real that I felt it.
The pace of the book is perfect as its not to fast but yet not to slow, also the storyline starts form the get go, as in you don't have to wait for 5 chapters before something interesting happens, it happens like straight away.
The way the book is written is amazing and perfect as its easy to understand and read the book knowing exactly what the author means.
The characters in this book were amazing, especially the main character Carey who has had a very difficult life along side her sister. The emotions that are shown through her is so.. amazing and I loved how she was flawed but so perfect in that way.
I recommend this book to anyone who loves a book that has emotion, changes and also something that little but different.